Best Time to Trek in Nepal: A Month-by-Month Guide

There are many hiking routes which are perfect for trekkers in Nepal. The renowned Everest Base Camp and the scenic Annapurna Circuit are some of them. It is important that you choose the right season for your visit if you want to enjoy your trip. Hence, through this guide I will analyze monthly breakdowns so as to enable you to select the most suitable time depending on several trekking seasons in Nepal.
trek in nepal

January – February

  • Weather: Winter in Nepal can be very cold, especially at high altitudes. During the day temperatures could be bearable but during nights it becomes freezing.
  • Highlights: The trails are often deserted causing a more lonely experience while mountaineering and skies mostly clear providing excellent view of the mountains.
  • Challenges: There might be difficult conditions with extreme cold temperatures making it tough for people above 3000meters. Few passes could possibly be blocked off by snowfall.
  • Best Treks: Ghorepani Poon Hill, lower sections of Annapurna Circuit and Everest region lower trails. These areas have comparatively low altitudes thus little exposure to intense coldness.


March – April

  • Weather: Spring brings moderate temperatures and longer days, making it one of the best seasons for trekking. The weather is stable, and the temperature is comfortable.
  • Highlights: This is the time when rhododendron forests are in full bloom, adding vibrant colors to the trails. The visibility is excellent, and the mountains are spectacular.
  • Challenges: As the season progresses, the number of trekkers increases, leading to crowded trails and teahouses.
  • Best Treks: Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Circuit, Langtang Valley, and Manaslu Circuit are all excellent choices. The flora along these routes is particularly beautiful during this time.

trek in nepal july

May – June

  • Weather: Warmer temperatures occur during pre-monsoon season which can be quite enjoyable even at higher altitudes. Occasionally there may be afternoon showers.
  • Highlights: Trails have lesser crowds compared to peak seasons. The landscape is lush green.
  • Challenges: Trekking may become uncomfortable due to rising temperatures and humidity. There will also be an increased likelihood of rain showers especially early evening.
  • Best Treks: Upper Mustang or Dolpo Region as they fall under rain shadow areas receiving low rainfall amounts. Lower altitude treks are also good options available to choose from too.

trekking in nepal


  • Weather: The heavy monsoon rainfall is mostly experienced in the lower regions. The weather is warm and humid.
  • Highlights: Trails are least crowded and the landscapes are too green.
  • Challenges: Slippery, muddy trails may result from the rain. There are leech-infested trails; in some places, there maybe landslides which make trekking difficult.
  • Best Treks: Mustang Region and Dolpo region both lie in the rain shadow areas receiving minimal precipitation thus making it a great monsoon trek.

ghorepani trek

September – October

  • Weather: It offers a stable weather with clear sky and moderate temperatures. This is one of the ideal seasons for trekking after monsoon.
  • Highlights: Excellent mountain views can be seen during this period besides awesome trekking climate because of still moistened monsoon soaked landscapes.
  • Challenges: Being the peak season, it has crowded trails and high rates for accommodation and services.
  • Best Treks: Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, Langtang Valley Trek, Manaslu Circuit Trek, Gokyo Lakes Trek all are popular choices within this period.


November – December

  • Weather: The weather is cool and dry, with clear skies. Daytime temperatures are pleasant, but it can get very cold at night.
  • Highlights: The trails are less crowded compared to October, and the views remain spectacular. The weather is stable and dry.
  • Challenges: Cold temperatures, especially at higher altitudes, can make trekking challenging. Some high passes may start to close due to snow.
  • Best Treks: Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Circuit, Langtang Valley, and lower altitude treks are good options. Lower regions are more comfortable during this time.


The best time for your trekking in Nepal depends on what kind of climate you prefer and what type of trek you plan to go for. Therefore spring (March-April) and autumn (September-October) are always considered as the best times because their weather is predictable and mostly they don’t have clouds throughout. However every month has something special hence it’s important if one would prepare himself/herself accordingly so that he/she can have a worth while time during his/her trekking experience in Nepal;